China Brake Lining Rivets

When it comes to selecting the right brake lining rivet, it’s important to consider the specific requirements of the brake system. The choice of rivets can have a significant impact on the overall performance of the system, and failure to choose the right one can result in serious safety issues.

(1)Material Compatibility

The material of the brake lining rivet should be compatible with the material of the brake lining itself. This is particularly important in the case of asbestos brake linings, which require special consideration due to the health risks associated with asbestos exposure. It’s essential to choose a brake lining rivet that is specifically designed for use with asbestos linings to ensure the safety of those working with or around the brake system.

(2)Load Requirements

The brake lining rivet must be able to withstand the load and stress of the application. This includes factors such as the weight of the vehicle, the speed at which it operates, and the braking force required to stop it. In general, the larger and heavier the vehicle, the greater the load placed on the brake system, and the more robust the brake lining rivet must be.