Cocoon Hospital’s Complete Wellness Program: Nurturing Women’s Health Before, During, and After Pregnancy

Pregnancy is a beautiful and transformative journey, but it also requires special attention to a woman’s health and wellbeing. At Cocoon Hospital, we understand the importance of providing thorough care to pregnant women to ensure both the mother and child thrive during this critical time. Our all-in-one wellness program is designed to guide women through pregnancy, childbirth, and postnatal care, offering expert support every step of the way.

Preparing for Childbirth: Cocoon’s Wellness Program

When a woman is pregnant, she experiences not just physical changes, but also emotional and psychological shifts. To prepare women for childbirth and ensure they feel supported during pregnancy, Cocoon Hospital has developed a wellness program. This program is tailored to educate and empower expectant mothers on the intricacies of pregnancy, childbirth, and newborn care.

Our expert team provides guidance on every aspect of pregnancy, answering queries, addressing concerns, and offering personalized care to meet the unique needs of every woman. Here’s what the wellness program includes:

  • Prenatal Sessions: A key feature of our program is prenatal sessions, which cover a range of important topics such as:
    • Birth Preparation
    • Pregnancy and Labor Exercises
    • Parenting Guidance
    • Mental Wellbeing
    • Breastfeeding Preparation and Breast Care

    These sessions are conducted in groups, allowing pregnant women to connect with their peers, share experiences, and build a strong support system. The sense of community can be incredibly valuable during the pregnancy journey.

  • Natural Therapies for Birthing: In these sessions, expectant couples learn natural techniques that can ease the labor process. From breathing exercises to pain management strategies, the goal is to make childbirth as comfortable as possible for both the mother and the baby. These techniques not only benefit the labor process but also help the mother remain calm and focused during delivery.
  • Partner’s Role in Labor: We believe in the power of partnership during childbirth. Our wellness program trains partners to become effective labor support, helping them understand their role during labor and delivery. This empowers partners to provide physical and emotional support during the birthing process, making it a more positive and shared experience for both.

Postnatal Care: Supporting Mothers After Delivery

The journey doesn’t end with childbirth. After delivery, mothers undergo a variety of physical and emotional changes as they adapt to caring for their newborn. Cocoon Hospital’s Postnatal Care (PNC) program provides essential support for new mothers from the moment of delivery, lasting through the first six to eight weeks after childbirth.


Our postnatal care includes:

  • Health Complication Management: We focus on early detection and prevention of any potential health issues that may arise after childbirth.
  • Breastfeeding Support: We offer guidance on breastfeeding techniques, ensuring mothers feel confident and comfortable while nursing their baby.
  • Immunization and Birth Spacing: Our experts provide counseling on the importance of immunization and birth spacing for optimal maternal and child health.
  • Maternal Nutrition: Proper nutrition is crucial during the postnatal period, and our team offers personalized nutrition advice to help mothers recover and stay healthy.

Cocoon Nanny: Personalized Support for New Mothers

Caring for a newborn can feel overwhelming for first-time mothers. To ease this transition, Cocoon offers a unique Cocoon Nanny service. Our professional nannies provide in-home care and support for new mothers, helping them adjust to their new responsibilities while offering physical and emotional assistance.

The Cocoon Nanny provides:

  • Guidance on newborn care
  • Support with breastfeeding
  • Daily baby massage
  • Advice on postnatal care, ensuring the mother’s recovery is on track

This personalized service ensures that new mothers receive the help they need to care for their newborn with confidence, while also taking care of themselves.

Obstetrics Services and Procedures

Cocoon Hospital is committed to providing a wide range of Obstetrics Services to meet the diverse needs of expectant mothers. Our services include:

  • Ante-natal Checks & Counseling
  • Prenatal Care
  • High-risk Pregnancy Management
  • Painless Delivery
  • Foetal Monitoring
  • Normal Deliveries
  • Nutrition and Diet Counseling
  • Physiotherapy and Lamaze Classes

Our multidisciplinary approach ensures that every aspect of pregnancy, childbirth, and postpartum care is handled with the utmost expertise and care.


Cocoon Hospital’s wellness program is designed to support women throughout their pregnancy journey and beyond. With prenatal education, postnatal care, and personalized support from the Cocoon Nanny, we are dedicated to ensuring the health and wellbeing of both mothers and babies.

Book your consultation today and join our wellness program to experience the best care for you and your baby.