• $100000



All these materials cannot be recycled from this mixed construction site waste, and the recyclable fractions are fed separately into circulation by construction debris recycling equipment. Recyclable products of high quality, the preservation of landfill areas, and protection from hazardous waste are major benefits of garbage sorting machine, such as construction waste recycling machines.


Construction and Demolition Waste recycling Equipment

Building demolition produces construction and demolition wastes, which are unique in their composition and form. Because of this, these wastes are often treated individually and require specialized C&D waste recycling equipment.



Depending on the building materials used to create homes, construction and demolition trash vary widely from nation to nation. Hengchuang waste management machine manufacturer offers construction and demolition waste recycling equipment for the manufacture of building materials and recyclable materials, and our construction waste recycling equipment has vast experience managing this kind of waste.