The drama “Hunting Field” involves the competitive intelligence department and the chief intelligence officer. The film and television works push competitive intelligence into the public’s sight. It is a good thing that competitive intelligence enters the public, but the “competitive intelligence” behavior in the drama is inevitable. It caused people to misunderstand the competitive intelligence and mislead competition intelligence. To this end, the members of the Competitive Intelligence Branch of the China Association for Science and Technology Information discussed the topic of competitive intelligence. We extracted the views of 12 experts and members from universities, research institutions, and enterprises, including well-known competitive intelligence experts. Young competitive intelligence elites, and even more students at school. We divide the content into “what is competitive intelligence”, “competition of competitive intelligence”, “capacity training of competitive intelligence personnel”, and attach “excerpts from the United States and domestic monographs on competitive intelligence” and “members’ professional conduct ethics” Five sections are for your reference.


Part I: What is competitive intelligence?

Former deputy director of the Shanghai Library, Mr. Qi Qihao


“I rarely watched TV dramas. I accidentally saw that ‘Hunting Field’ actually mentioned ‘competitive intelligence’ and I have been watching it.” He believes that such “lifting” of competitive intelligence in the hit TV series may have a certain effect on expanding social awareness, but the misinformation will bring deep harm to the industry.