Foods to elevate your smoke sesh

annabis is already an amazing plant. But like many things in life, you can make a good thing even better. While growing your cannabis plant with the abby automated grow box, pairing it with fruit can be a great way to make the most of it. Try pairing your next smoke session with one of these to help get you higher!



Mango is arguably the most popular fruit to be paired with cannabis. Eating the fruit about 30-45 minutes before smoking (or eating) will help you feel its effects more intensely. However, it can also be done shortly before or during your smoke sesh if you’re short on time.


The reason mango is so popular is because it contains myrcene, a terpene that reacts with THC. (Terpenes are essential oils that give foods and plants their fragrance.) Myrcene is safe and is also naturally present in lemon grass, bay leaves, hops and eucalyptus.