Hansa Worldwide Pharma Logistics Service

Managing the supply chain integrity of Pharma Logistics can be the most important process in temperature-controlled logistics. As one of the top-level pharmaceutical logistics companies, our job is to help clients minimize threats by providing proven pharma logistics solutions. We provide pharmacy logistics services including a wide range of high-performance pre-conditioned VIPs (vacuum-insulated panels), temperature data loggers, on-site pickup, and door-to-door delivery locally or globally. Whether it’s a biological sample or a pharmaceutical product, maintaining the proper temperature during transportation is of critical importance. At Hansa, we have a full range of solutions to control and monitor the temperature while en route to the destination, including in logistics in the pharmaceutical industry. This ensures the safety of the product as it arrives in the hands of the client. During the delivery, Data Loggers are used to monitor metrics such as temperature, humidity, light, pressure, angle, and location. Data can be transmitted in real-time or downloaded at the destination to allow full product journey transparency. Ultimately, we want to ensure product safety and product integrity.


Also as one of leading pharmaceutical 3PL companies, we understand that different products have different packaging and temperature requirements, so we offer a range of packaging solutions including insulated boxes, thermal blankets and temperature-controlled containers. Our logistics experts will work with you to design a custom solution that meets the specific needs of your products.
