How to Maintain Your Scooty Tyre for Improved Performance and Longevity

Maintaining a scooter’s tyres is an important aspect of enhancing its performance and longevity. Proper tyre maintenance not only ensures your safety but also saves you from frequent punctures, thus saving you the trip to go to tyre dealers frequently. Whether you are using regular tyres or tubeless tyres on your scooty, knowing the essentials of tyre maintenance can make a significant difference.

Maintain Tyre Pressure

  • Check tyre pressure at regular intervals
  • Maintain the recommended tyre pressure levels
  • Inflate the tyre to match the pressure level

Check Tread Depth

  • Check the pre-installed treadwear indicator
  • The tread depth should be at least 3-4mm
  • Replace the tyre if the tread is worn out

Clean your Tyres

  • To remove debris, regularly clean tyres
  • Do not use harsh chemicals to clean the tyre
  • To clean the tyres, use regular soap and water

Avoid Overloading

  • Overloading can lead to excessive wear
  • Stick to the manufacturer’s weight limit
  • Avoid carrying heavy loads