Mist Pump Box Manufacturers Share Tips For Using Spray

The selection and use of the spray is more than just a “push”, the manufacturer of Mist Pump Box reminds that some details may be ignored, leaving the skin without the expected softness.

1. The higher the mineral content of the hot spring spray water, the better: in fact, the process of active exchange between the hot spring water and the skin is only about one minute, and the higher the salt content, the shorter the stay time of the spring water. The minerals and salts absorbed by the skin will stay on the skin surface. The higher the mineral content, the more salt crystals will be left on the skin surface. Because the salt is water-absorbing, the salt crystals on the skin surface will absorb water from the skin. , Then water replenishment will not work, but will cause dehydration.

2. In order to allow the hot spring water to fully exchange with the skin, the longer the stay, the better: when the moisture remaining on the skin evaporates, the salt crystals on the surface of the skin will absorb water from the inside of the skin, but will take away the inside of the skin Moisture, so in order to better hydrate, the appropriate time is to let the skin contact with water for about a minute, and then gently absorb the moisture with a cotton towel.

3. Hot spring water can be used as spray hydration: not all hot spring water is suitable for spray hydration, the spring water suitable for spray should choose active spring water dedicated to dermatology. If used improperly, it will cause damage to the skin. For example, the hot spring water for rheumatism contains high concentrations of sulfur and phosphorus, and the hot spring water for digestive problems contains high concentrations of chloride ions, which can cause irritation to normal and sensitive skin.

4. The spray is only used to care for the skin of the face: If you think that the spray is only used to care for the face, it is overkill. Because facial skin can usually get more care, and wrinkles on the neck will unconsciously reveal the secret of your age.


The above content is organized and shared by Yuyao Jinhai Glass And Plastic Manufacturing Plant , hoping to help those in need.