Rubber Rings Factory Shares Knowledge Of Sealing Rings

Now people have more and more kitchen equipment and more and more advanced. Looking at these new devices, basically all need to use electrical energy. It belongs to high-tech equipment, so the precision of parts is relatively high. Then the following Rubber Rings Factory will share how to clean the sealing ring moldy?

If the sealing ring is not moldy for a long time or serious, it can be used again by cleaning. The sealing ring can be cleaned with a fine-brushed soft brush and detergent, and brushed carefully (during cleaning, be careful not to pull too much to prevent deformation, deformation can easily cause overflow pot), and then use boiling water to sterilize.

If the sealing ring seems to be very moldy, you can try to clean it. If it can be washed and washed, it can also be used for ironing. But if you can’t get a clean color, you can consider changing it. You can take this seal to the supermarket for comparison and purchase.

If you have a relatively short time to buy pots, or if you know that there is a brand after-sales department of your own pots nearby, you can go directly to one. If not, you can search online for brand customer service and call the address of the nearby after-sales service department to purchase or configure.

to sum up:

1. It can be cleaned first, if it can be cleaned, then use boiling water to sterilize it before use

2. If you can’t clean it, you can go to the supermarket to buy it.

3. You can also find the after-sales service department of the brand to purchase or exchange.


The above content is organized and shared by Mist Pump Box Wholesaler, hoping to help those in need.