Stainless Steel Kitchen Cabinets Supplier Introduces How To Clean Painted Cabinets

Stainless Steel Kitchen Cabinets supplier introduces the cleaning methods of cabinets of different materials:1. Wooden cabinets

The cleaning method of wooden cabinets is to clean them with a mixture of white vinegar and alcohol, and then add a few drops of detergent. Use a microfiber cloth dampened with this cleaning mixture to wipe the cabinets. Next, rinse the cabinets thoroughly with warm water, and finally use furniture oil containing beeswax to paint the surface. This way your cabinets will look completely new.

2. Bright color painted cabinets

Bright-colored painted cabinets need to be cleaned with a mild detergent, but if you use too much detergent on the painted surface, the detergent will cause certain damage to the paint. So, mix the white vinegar with a few drops of detergent, but don’t use alcohol this time. Put this mixture in a spray bottle to better control the spray volume. After spraying, wipe the cabinet with a slightly damp fiber cloth. Finally, wipe dry with another clean microfiber cloth.

3. Black painted cabinets

Black cabinets can create a unique appearance in the kitchen. Whether the cabinets are painted black or stained with ebony wood, they need to be carefully cleaned. Every day there is water and oil stains on the cabinets, as well as accumulated dust. . So it should be wiped with a wet fiber cloth at least once a week. It only takes a few minutes, but doing so can reduce or prevent the degree of gradual damage to the cabinet.

4. White painted cabinets

White cabinets give the kitchen a fresh, clean appearance, but they can easily be scratched. Just like black cabinets, white cabinets should be wiped with a damp fiber cloth at least once a week. White paint should also be used to repair the scratches.

5. Laminate cabinets

Laminate cabinets are the easiest to keep clean because their surface has no porous wood grain to absorb dirt and oil stains. Use a damp microfiber cloth to clean once a week, and also use a mixture of detergent and vinegar to clean. Vinegar is a natural acid that can clean difficult-to-clean foods. Dishwashing liquid helps produce mild foam and also facilitates cleaning.


The above content is organized and shared by Handmade Sink manufacturer, hoping to help those in need.