White Oudh Attar Perfume online

Oudh, also known as agarwood, is a dark, resinous wood that is highly valued for its strong, warm, and complex fragrance. Oudh attar is a type of perfume made from the essential oils of oudh wood, which are extracted through a process of steam distillation.


White oudh attar is a variation of oudh attar that is made from the essential oils of white oudh wood, which is a lighter and more refined version of oudh. White oudh attar is known for its subtle, delicate, and sweet fragrance, which makes it a popular choice among people who prefer more subtle and refined perfumes.


There are several benefits to using white oudh attar perfume:


Aromatherapy: The warm, woody, and slightly sweet fragrance of white oudh attar is known to have calming and grounding effects, which can help to reduce stress and promote relaxation.


Mood enhancement: The pleasant aroma of white oudh attar can help to uplift the mood and improve feelings of well-being.


Long-lasting fragrance: White oudh attar is known for its long-lasting fragrance, which means that it can provide a pleasant and subtle aroma throughout the day.


Versatility: White oudh attar is a versatile fragrance that can be worn by both men and women and can be suitable for both casual and formal occasions.


Natural ingredients: White oudh attar is made from natural ingredients, which means that it is gentle on the skin and does not contain any harsh chemicals that may cause irritation or allergic reactions.


In summary, white oudh attar perfume is a subtle, delicate, and long-lasting fragrance that can provide calming and uplifting effects and is suitable for both men and women.