If you have learned the hard way that vacant units are the kiss of death for any real estate portfolio then you will profit immensely from the Preferred Tenant Placement strategies I will reveal to you in just a moment.It’s amazing how many hard-edged, tough, and confident property owners and investors develop a nervous twitch when they realize they have a vacant unit to fill. There are several good reasons why vacant units are property killers!! Vacant Units Will:Attract vandals and squatters that will potentially vandalize your property driving your prep costs through the roof Put your current renters on-notice that they can negotiate a rent freeze (or even a reduction!) safely knowing that your vacant unit has you on the ropes… Lower the overall value of your property alerting savvy investors that there is wiggle room in your negotiating price due to the lost cash flow from your empty, profit-eating, units And the list goes on.In my experience, the only way to handle a vacant unit situation is to attack it like a angry junkyard dog. Don’t get creative to disguise, distract, or hide the unit until you’re able to find a renter.I’m sure you can relate to some of these desperate measures others have used:Posting a sign saying “Unit Being Upgraded for Future Tenants”Coughing up a few hundred dollars to Stage the unit disguising it as a model until you can find a credit-worthy renterHeck, some have even rented the unit for free just to keep the stench of vacancy off the property for security reasons.!So we both agree that vacant units are the worst thing since black mold but you and I both know that filling a vacant isn’t as easy as it sounds.