Agricultural Chain Manufacturer Introduces The Range Of Gear Teeth


Agricultural Chain Manufacturer Introduces the number of gear teeth has a lower limit: undercutting will result in undercutting. Displacement will occur when undercutting occurs. The undercutting cannot be used after the displacement. There is no upper limit for the number of teeth. The machine tool has a processing range. The upper limit of the number of teeth comes from the processing capacity. The number of teeth is larger and the size is larger. The traditional machining method will also bring about the problem that the accuracy cannot be achieved. The compactness of the design, it is recommended to sacrifice transmission efficiency and increase the number of stages when the transmission ratio is insufficient.The closed gear transmission generally has a higher speed. In order to improve the stability of the transmission and reduce the impact vibration, it is better to have more teeth. The number of teeth of the pinion can be taken as z1 = 20 ~ 40. Open (semi-open) gear transmission, because the gear teeth are mainly worn out, in order to prevent the gear from being too small, it is not appropriate to use too many teeth for the pinion, generally z1 = 17 ~ 20.The principle for determining the number of gear teeth is: the gear structure is compact in size and the spindle speed error is small.Next, generally, the gear pressure angle is 20 degrees, the tooth tip height coefficient is 1, and the tooth root height coefficient is 1.25, and the gear parameters can basically be obtained.Agricultural Chain manufacturers share specific requirements with the following points:①Number of teeth and sz≤100 ~ 120.②Number of teeth limited by transmission performance. Standard straight-tooth cylindrical gears generally take zmin = 18 ~ 20, pinion gears on the main shaft take zmin = 20, high-speed gears take zmin = 25, and gears with low motion smoothness require zmin = 14.③Number of teeth limited by gear structure. It should be ensured that the wall thickness at the tooth root is not less than 2m (m is the gear module).④Number of teeth limited by shaft structure. Should ensure that the bearings and other components are not too close or touch.


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