Custom Easter Egg Company Talks About Symbolism Of Easter Eggs

Easter Eggs Manufacturers is a professional manufacturer of bubble toys and Easter gifts. Today, I would like to introduce the historical origin of Easter eggs.

Easter eggs are the most important food symbol of Easter, which means the beginning and continuation of life.

There are many legends about the origin of Easter eggs. The most widely circulated is that the Virgin Mary went to inform the Roman emperor Tiberius that Jesus was resurrected after death. At that time, it was not allowed to visit the emperor without gifts. , she has only one egg to hold, which happens to have the meaning of “new life”. She happily told Tiberius: “Jesus is risen!” Tiberius laughed at her and said, “This is absolutely impossible. If it is true, then your white eggs will also turn red!” . As soon as the words fell, a miracle happened, and the white egg in Maria’s hand turned red.

This legend is widely circulated among European folk. To commemorate Jesus’ resurrection, Christians dye eggs red to symbolize Jesus’ blood at Easter. From about the twelfth to the fifteenth century AD, the religious practice of making, giving, eating and breaking eggs at Easter gradually developed. The original Easter egg was a single red egg, then expanded from a single red to a variety of colors, and finally from a variety of colors to a colorful pattern. People call these eggs processed by dyeing and painting methods “Easter eggs”.

In many places abroad, every year after the spring equinox, the first Sunday after the first full moon is “Easter”. Many Westerners will play a game of finding Easter eggs on the same day when they are young, and there will be some small gifts hidden in the eggs, and the people who find the eggs will be very excited, so the eggs are the most typical “Easter” symbol, representing surprise and Other hidden mysteries. In addition to eggs, there is bread, and some chocolate. Symbolizes that Jesus is “the living bread of eternal life”. The bread is painted with the words of Jesus Christ, or the cross, or the image of a rabbit.

When Easter comes, relatives and friends will give each other eggs to express their blessings. From the folk to the royal family, Easter eggs have become an indispensable thing. The Christian egg culture, marked by Easter eggs, has grown to this day. The most influential egg culture in the world.

Contact us if you need Custom Easter Eggs!