Food Grade Resistant Starch RS2 High Amylose Corn Starch Content 70% CAS 9005-25-8

Food Additive Resistant Starch RS2 Extract from Natural Corn High Smylose 70% Dietary Fiber Indigestible Starch HAMS

what is the benefits of resistant starch to the human body ?

1,Improved Digestive Health: Resistant starch acts similarly to dietary fiber, aiding in regular bowel movements and promoting a healthy digestive system.

2,Blood Sugar Regulation: It can help stabilize blood sugar levels by slowing down the digestion and absorption of carbohydrates, preventing spikes in blood glucose after meals.

3,Weight Management: Resistant starch can increase feelings of fullness and reduce appetite, potentially aiding in weight management by controlling food intake.

4,Enhanced Gut Health: It serves as a prebiotic, feeding beneficial bacteria in the gut, which can lead to improved gut health and a stronger immune system.

5,Lowered Risk of Chronic Diseases: Some studies suggest that resistant starch may have a role in reducing the risk of chronic diseases like colon cancer and may contribute to overall heart health.

6,Improved Insulin Sensitivity: Regular consumption of resistant starch may improve insulin sensitivity, which is beneficial for individuals with insulin resistance or type 2 diabetes.

Foods high in resistant starch include green bananas, raw oats, cooked and cooled potatoes or rice, legumes, and certain types of beans. Incorporating these into your diet can provide these advantageous effects.