Ways To Deal With Agricultural Chain Rust Spots

Any stainless steel product will rust or get rusty if it is not properly protected, so it is very important to store the product properly. The same is true for chains. If they are not stored properly, they will rust, because we need to know how to deal with these problems while taking good precautions.

In fact, there are two ways to deal with rust spots on Agricultural Chain . One is chemical method. It is to use acid pickling paste or spray to help passivate its rusted parts to re-passivate and form a chromium oxide film to restore its resistance to invasion. After pickling, in order to remove all pollutants and acid residues, develop suitable scouring with purified water. critical. After all disposal, use polishing equipment to re-polish, and use polishing wax to block it. The other is a mechanical treatment method, which is sandblasting, blasting with glass or ceramic particles, burying, scrubbing and polishing. Use mechanical means to or may wipe away contamination from burnt materials, polishing materials, or buried materials. All kinds of pollution are caused by foreign iron particles or may be a source of erosion, especially in humid environments.



information about Agricultural Chain : https://www.hzqjchain.com/product/high-strength-agricultural-machinery-chains/