What Happens When Bladder Stones Are Not Removed?

The human urinary tract plays a crucial role in flushing out liquid forms of unwanted food content from the body. But sometimes due to the issue with the prostate gland, less water intake, and lifestyle, the urinary tract is unable to perform its job. As a result bladder stone forms. 


Dr. Niren Rao, renowned as the best bladder stone specialist in Delhi explains bladder stones, also known as urinary calculi, as hardened forms of unflushed toxins deposited in the urinary bladder. He further adds that these toxic compositions typically made of minerals calcium, struvite, or uric acid cause discomfort and severe complications if left untreated. However, some potential risks are as follows:-


  1. Increased Discomfort and Pain: Untreated bladder stones grow in size over time resulting in increased discomfort and pain. These stones cause irritation and inflammation in the bladder lining, resulting in symptoms such as frequent urination, urgency, and a persistent feeling of bladder fullness. The pain can range from mild to severe and may become more intense with movement or urination.


  1. Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs): The presence of bladder stones fosters the growth of bacteria. The rough surface of the stones makes it possible for bacteria to stick, generating a biofilm. It blocks the urethra from carrying urine. The retention of urine for a long may cause UTIs. Chronic urine retention can harm the kidneys and bladder, which could necessitate more invasive treatments and compromise kidney function as a whole.


  1. Hematuria: Hematuria, or blood in the urine, is a common symptom associated with bladder stones. The stones can cause irritation and injury to the bladder lining, leading to blood leakage into the urine. While occasional blood in the urine may not be a cause for immediate concern, persistent or significant bleeding should prompt medical attention as it may indicate a more serious condition or potential complications.


  1. Bladder Wall Damage: Over time, bladder stones can cause damage to the bladder wall. The constant irritation and pressure from the stones can lead to inflammation, tissue damage, and the formation of ulcers or fistulas. Bladder wall damage can weaken the bladder’s structure and function, affecting its ability to store and empty urine properly.




Untreated bladder stones increase urination discomfort, damage the urinary tract, and form a urinary blockage, hematuria, and bladder wall damage. In order to avoid these potential consequences, prompt intervention is essential. Cystolitholapaxy is a widely common bladder stone removal treatment. 

If you or any of your loved ones have been diagnosed with bladder stones then you are advised to schedule an appointment with a bladder stone specialist like Dr. Niren Rao- the best urologist in Delhi at Dr. Niren Rao’s Urology Practice.